Special Education

The Department of Exceptional Children

The Special Education Department of the East Tallahatchie School District offers a wide range of programs to meet the individual needs of students.  Eligible students are served as young as three and up to twenty-one years of age.  Our schools offer programs to serve students who need extended instructional time in a special education settings. 

The following resource programs are offered in all our schools:

  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy

Student identification procedures, achievement testing, programming instructions and flexible scheduling require the participation of all school personnel. As the district strives to recognize and enhance the potential of all students with disabilities, it becomes necessary not only to identify unserved students but also to maintain program continuity and coordination with regular education in order to provide appropriate instruction.

Special Education
IDEA Meeting Icon

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Budget Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
June 27, 2024 @ 10:30 AM

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Meet Our Team

K. Beamon

K. Patrice Beamon
Director of Exceptional Children
(662) 647-5524

L. Criswell

Lori Criswell
District Psychometrist
Case Manager

Tina Suggs

Tina Suggs
District-wide Inclusion Teacher/IEP Specialist

Child Find Process

PUBLIC NOTICE: The East Tallahatchie School District is participating in an ongoing effort to identify, locate and evaluate children birth through twenty-one years of age who may have disabilities and need early intervention, special education, and/ or related services. Child find is an ongoing process of public awareness activities and evaluations to ensure children with special needs can receive the help they need to succeed as early as possible.

Anyone concerned about a child’s speech, learning, behavior, or development can make a Child Find request. A multidisciplinary evaluation team will meet with the family within 14 days to decide if an evaluation is needed. If so, written permission from the child’s parent is required before an evaluation is conducted.

A multidisciplinary evaluation is individualized to the child’s needs. The valuation could involve a series of observations and tests with the child and interviews with parents, teachers, and/or caregivers. Evaluations for special education and/or related services will be conducted by two or more specialists such as a speech language pathologist, psychometrist, school psychologist, or special educator. A written summary of this evaluation will be provided to the family and a meeting will be held to determine if the child needs special education and/or related services.

For children birth through two years of age, contact the Tallahatchie County Health Department at 662-647-3404. For a child three to twenty-one years of age, contact

Lori Criswell
District Psychometrist & Case Manager

Information received through the Child Find process is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

How To Refer A Child

The Child Find mandate, set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requires school districts to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities from age 3-21. 

Anyone who has identified a child from 3-21 who may be effected by a disability — including behavior, development, and hearing or vision loss — may contact the Tallahatchie County Health Department office to request an evaluation. Our team of specialists are equipped to conduct a multidisciplinary evaluation to determine the natures of the child’s disability and which services may be rendered to assist with the child’s education.

Contact ETSD Special Education Department at 662-647-5524.

If you have identified a child, age 0-2, who has a disability and requires special services, please contact the Tallahatchie County Health Department at 662-647-3404.

Eligibility for Services

Relevant description of the image To be eligible for special education services, a student must meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Mississippi State Policies Regarding Children with Individual Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 (State Board Policy 74.19) and be in need of specialized instruction and/or related services. The thirteen disability categories include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Language/Speech Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment

Policies and Procedures

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), Office of Special Education (OSE) has developed Procedure Manuals (Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) for State Board Policy Chapter 74, Rule 74.19, State Policies Regarding Children with Disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 2004 (IDEA 2004).

Visit the Mississippi Department of Education’s website for details on Special Education policies and procedures.